Artists in Residence

14-27 February 2022: Cocoon Dance



On Saturday, 26 February, CocoonDance presented a teaser of their piece "Runthrough" at the Kurtheater Baden. In a conversation after the showing, they shared their experiences and ideas with the audience. The premiere of the piece will take place on 11 May at the Kurtheater Baden.



Choreographer Rafaële Giovanola and the dancers of the ensemble are rehearsing for the performance Runthrough, which will be shown at the Kurtheater Baden as part of the STEPS festival. Before that, you will have the opportunity to gain an insight into their work in an exclusive showcase. On Saturday, 26 February 2022 at the Kurtheater Baden, you will be given a teaser in advance and will have the opportunity to talk to the artists in the subsequent audience discussion. Click here to register! Free admission.

Exchange and mediation


CocoonDance let their encounters with different artists flow into the project "Runthrough". This kind of research work brings new impulses for the ensemble and expands their dance glossary. This video documents the meeting with the rappers Kamau & The Wolf.



With the Runthrough meetings, the CocoonDance ensemble meets very different artists in research residencies over several months. Together they develop new movement concepts, which ultimately lead to a performance in 2022 for the STEPS Festival. The meetings/ residencies will be continued in Zurich, Lausanne and Geneva.

The aim is to explore new work techniques, to enter into a dialogue that broadens one's own perspective to the undiscovered. Diversity and joint artistic interplay are the top priority. These encounters will not only become the driving force behind the gestures of this new project but will also expand the glossary work and finally open us up to other ways of moving, where idiosyncrasies, qualities of individual bodies and perspectives come together creating a lively and powerful mesh. The artistic result on stage include all these qualities but pushed to the limits through the skills of professional performers. Get an insight into their work in this video.

Cocoon Dance


The performance art collective CocoonDance was founded by choreographer Rafaële Giovanola and dramaturge Rainald Endraß in 2000. Swiss-born Giovanola was a soloist in Turin before being brought to the Frankfurt Ballett by William Forsythe for the duration of eight years. After this, she worked with Pavel Mikuláštik’s Choreographisches Theater, with Bonn as the last station. Since 2000, CocoonDance has been producing and performing in the independent Theater im Ballsaal in Bonn (D); since the season 2004/05 the company also is curating the dance program and is responsible for organization and financing of the theatre.

An important pillar of the company is located in the Swiss Canton of Valais, where CocoonDance has been co-produced since 2005 and already staged eight premieres to date. In 2020, CocoonDance was appointed Associate Artist of the Théâtre du Crochetan in Monthey. Since its founding, the company has produced about forty full-length productions that have toured through five continents and been invited to showcase festivals in Germany and Switzerland like the Tanzplattform Deutschland in 2018 and 2020.